PinnedPublished inThe official pub for FACEEngland, In The Age Of Brexit, Is As Violently And Virulently Racist As Ever.The events of Sunday and Monday fully confirm what we Black Brits have always known; when we win, we are English, but when we lose, we are…Jul 13, 202145Jul 13, 202145
PinnedThe Poorest in Society are Not Worth Saving.Despite the yawning chasm between the haves and have nots and the perpetual gaslighting of the poorest in our midst, why do the poor keep…Mar 29, 202170Mar 29, 202170
PinnedPublished inILLUMINATIONOn a promised land….In William Edward Burghardt Du Bois’ magnum opus, the souls of Blackfolk, the preeminent African American scholar of the 20th century…Dec 29, 20202Dec 29, 20202
PinnedThe greatest book ever written on Oratory.Ever Since I had a debating contest at the Speakers’ corner in Hyde park, London in January 2011, I have had the privilege of reading…Jan 4, 202112Jan 4, 202112
The South African Land Redistribution Saga: The Supreme Idiocy and Irony of Donald TrumpRead on..3h ago13h ago1
Brexit Has Turned The United Kingdom Into The Biggest Loser On The Block…Only a revolution will suffice at this point…2d ago102d ago10
The Democrats Must Cull The Gerontocrats and Corporatists In Its Midst…Or it will completely disintegrate…2d ago92d ago9
Donald Trump Has Declared War On The United States of America and The Rest of The World: Cui Bono?Question is how will it all end?4d ago274d ago27
Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism Is Proving Painfully True In GazaAnd providing yet another reason to seek the immediate destruction of white supremacy.6d ago176d ago17
Was Marx Right About Capitalism or Are Americans Too Stupid To Compete With China?Read on..6d ago206d ago20