If Prince William Is Keen On Ending Homelessness, He Can Start With Buckingham Palace And His Millions…

Adebayo Adeniran
3 min readNov 3, 2024

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Mart Production via Pexels

Walking the streets of Central London, these days, is quite depressing.

The levels of homelessness is as bad as it has ever been with folks lining up to take their place in front of multi-million edifices in Britain’s wealthiest post code, when night falls.

And what’s extraordinary here is that some of these folks are actually in employment, but simply cannot afford to rent in a city, which is one of the most expensive in the world.

And Prince William, whose reputation has taken a massive hit, due to his infidelities, sexual proclivities and his treatment of his younger brother, came out to say that he would be working arduously to end homelessness in the United Kingdom.

Lots of people were suckered by the heir to the throne’s pronouncements and was praised as resurrecting his mother’s principled activism and all round kindness.

But they were wrong.

A documentary premiered yesterday, showing the extent to which Britain’s leading royals siphon vast amounts of money from the coffers of the state, through their various assets and charities.



Adebayo Adeniran
Adebayo Adeniran

Written by Adebayo Adeniran

A lifelong bibliophile, who seeks to unleash his energy on as many subjects as possible