In Search of Male Friends: Why are Real Male Friendships Non-Existent?

Adebayo Adeniran
3 min readJul 10, 2022

Questions on my mind….

Helena Lopes via Unsplash

Last week, I received the unwanted diagnosis of an enlarged prostate.

Given the history of prostate cancer in the family, the panic alarms went off immediately in my head: what if this leads to something much more serious? What about my older brothers, how are they? Are they in touch with their numbers?

It didn’t matter that my PSA was as low as it gets (0.3) nor did it matter that my internal organs are functioning optimally; the hypochondriac in me had begun to dream up a billion scenarios.

But what was extraordinary about this episode was that I didn’t talk to my siblings or my mother about this, despite our very strong bonds, it was my closest friend with whom I chose to share the news.


Because of the simple fact that I can talk to him about almost anything.

And this brings me to the very basis of the article: real male friendships or the very lack of them.

Over the course of the last week, I read these interesting articles in two of Britain’s leading newspapers about the crippling difficulty that most men have in forming real friendships.



Adebayo Adeniran

A lifelong bibliophile, who seeks to unleash his energy on as many subjects as possible