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Let’s Hope That Senators Sinema and Manchin Were Listening To Dr. King’s Granddaughter’s Speech
Push has come to shove on the voting rights bill
Conservatives love quoting Dr. King. They enjoy having to bring out his quotes about peace, love and, turning the other cheek, but pay little heed to what he had to say on the question of reparations and racial justice, nor do they pay any mind to his powerful denunciation of America’s state sponsored terrorism —domestically and internationally.
If the legacy of the late great reverend were entirely in the hands of White American Conservatives, you can be rest assured that the levels of whitewashing and revisionism would be completely off the Richter scale.
Why have I written this?
At a time when America’s descent into fascism is all but complete, with voting rights being gutted and gerrymandering being the order of the day, we were given a timely reminder of why we must continue the fight for democracy.
And this reminder was given to us by Dr. King’s grand-daughter, Ms. Yolanda Renee King.
In a speech which summoned the preternatural powers of oratory that her grandfather became known around the world for, the young Ms. King made it clear that her voting rights today as a thirteen year were non-existent in…