R.I.P. Monarchy: Is The Republic of Great Britain Upon Us?

Adebayo Adeniran
4 min readSep 19, 2022

Life after Queen Elizabeth in the United Kingdom

Image via Wikimedia commons

What took place on the 8th of September 2022 was without question a Black Swan event.

Those who left the shores of the United Kingdom on the 5th of September would have done so with Her Majesty as the reigning monarch and Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, prime minister.

But within 72 hours, seismic changes had taken place.

Not only did we have to contend with an unelected premier in Liz Truss but also with the sudden illness and death of Her Majesty, the Queen, thus bringing about a degree of confusion within the ranks of the establishment.

Confusion, I hear you ask?


A great number of us will have read the elaborate preparations which have been put in place for the day of Her Majesty’s passing but nothing prepares you for the actual event itself.

When the now deceased Elizabeth II ascended to the throne in 1952, a vast majority of the public saw it as an act of God and very, very few dared to question the usefulness of a constitutional monarchy.

Great Britain, these days, isn’t much of a christian country nor a deferential one for that matter.



Adebayo Adeniran

A lifelong bibliophile, who seeks to unleash his energy on as many subjects as possible