Ricky Ray Rector, Welfare To Work and Three Strikes: The White Supremacist Legacy of Bill Clinton

Adebayo Adeniran
4 min readFeb 15, 2024

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Image via Wikimedia Commons

William Jefferson Clinton is quite possibly the biggest (and by far, the worst) white supremacist to occupy the Oval office.

Much more of a bigot than Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush pere et fills, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Abraham Lincoln and every other white male, who has been American President.

Unlike his predecessors, he could sing every stanza of most Negro spirituals by heart; lay claim to having had Black friends at university and fully understood the poisonous and pernicious legacy of Jim crow and yet, he was exceedingly malevolent during his eight years in charge of his nation’s affairs.

And I should explain my reasons why this is the case.

The execution of Ricky Ray Rector.

Ricky Ray Rector was an African American male, who killed a police officer and was effectively lobotomized by his failed suicide attempt in 1981.

The true extent of Rector’s condition was revealed when he asked for his final meal to be saved for him to eat upon his return from his execution.

Now this bit of detail didn’t matter to Clinton, who was governor of Arkansas back in 1992…



Adebayo Adeniran
Adebayo Adeniran

Written by Adebayo Adeniran

A lifelong bibliophile, who seeks to unleash his energy on as many subjects as possible

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