Sudan’s Travails Are a Microcosm of America’s Ill-Advised Intervention In Africa
According to a leading Republican congressman.
Matt Gaetz is a famous Republican politician, but not for the reasons that you think.
Our protagonist was the subject of an investigation of the sex trafficking of a minor across state lines by the department of justice for the longest time, before the DOJ decided that it didn’t have sufficient evidence to incriminate the Trump supporting congressman.
Congressman Gaetz was also among the Trump supporting faction which withheld their votes to confirm Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House of Representatives for fourteen times, relenting at the fifteenth attempt, when huge concessions were made to the lunatic wing of the GOP.
And yet, Matt Gaetz did something which took me completely by surprise a few days ago: he dared to call out American intervention in Africa.
And how did it this happen?
By having a serving general in the American army to give testimony to congress on the subject matter on the United states and coups in Africa.
The senior serving officer in question — General Langley — was made to look incredibly incompetent and even worse — quite stupid — by being unable to cite specifically, the numbers of…