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The Extraordinary Cognitive Dissonance of The Boomer Generation
Sunday morning rant…
Baby boomers are the luckiest generation in history.
To those who have no idea of who or what the boomer generation is, I have chosen to enlist the help of the world’s greatest repository of knowledge:
The generation is often defined as people born from 1946 to 1964 during the mid-20th century baby boom. The dates, the demographic context, and the cultural identifiers may vary by country.[1][2][3][4] Most baby boomers are the children of either the Greatest Generation or the Silent Generation, and are often parents of Gen Xers and Millennials
Their luck owes everything to the fact that they have been the recipients of extraordinary change in the United Kingdom.
Prior to the end of the second world war, the coalition government led by Winston Churchill, began the implementation of the radical revamp of the educational system.
This initiative, which was known as the Butler Act, made it possible for several thousands of children from working class homes to get a decent education and break the cycle of illiteracy.
And when elections were held after the war, the Labour party was handed the mandate to govern and they responded by creating the most loved institution in…