The Profound Stupidity of Poor Whites Could Spell The End of America and The American Empire

Adebayo Adeniran
4 min readMar 6, 2024

And everyone knows it.

Engin Akyurt via Unsplash

Modern life is one phenomenal gaslighting project.

From the very moment you awake to take a piss and scroll on your smart phones, you’re already being manipulated to believe the worst of human beings around you.

Mexicans are filthy animals, who should never be allowed into the United States of America.

Fundamentalist Islam is the biggest threat to world peace and what about the People’s Republic of China?

They are dying to colonize the United States.

And what about those Niggers?

They just want to make us guilty for the crimes of our ancestors. Why on earth should I read some book by some Nigger Bitch on history which took place in 1619?

And it goes on and on.

We are witnessing end stage empire and one which is profoundly determined to do everything to hold on to its position.

And this is precisely why we are seeing an extraordinarily concerted effort by the gatekeepers to try to hold onto some semblance of power in manipulating its most gullible citizens.



Adebayo Adeniran

A lifelong bibliophile, who seeks to unleash his energy on as many subjects as possible