The Republic of South Africa: Neoliberalism, White Psychosis and Black Disempowerment In The Post-Apartheid Era..

Adebayo Adeniran
4 min readAug 11, 2024

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Magda Ehlers via Pexels

The Republic of South Africa mirrors the State of Israel in more ways than one: a place in which the migrant minority group which enjoys political and economic power over the natives and has never hesitated in deploying deadly force in maintaining the status-quo.

And the irony isn’t lost on the perceptive folks among us that Israel did help prop up apartheid in South Africa until it became totally unsustainable.

And when the late Nelson Mandela was elected President of his country, the whole world cheered and declared this momentous occasion as the end of apartheid and the start of something special.

Only God knows how wrong we were.

No better than the senile incumbent at the White House, Mandela failed on too many counts to address years of systemic economic and political inequality and this spectacular failure gave rise to the explosive HIV rates among his poorest compatriots.

It would seem that all that really mattered to Mandiba was western applause: from being the face of the near white rugby team to praising the arch-exploiter of his country — Cecil Rhodes.



Adebayo Adeniran

A lifelong bibliophile, who seeks to unleash his energy on as many subjects as possible