Why I cannot Stand, Nor Can I Ever Forgive Barack Obama.
A tale of cowardice and personal ambition.
This article is partly inspired by a phenomenally brilliant piece by Frances A. Chiu, Ph.D. | writing coach | editor on Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.
And I must warn you that this is an angry article, with none of the flair of the author whose name is cited in the previous paragraph.
Unlike some Black folk who were wedded to the symbolism of having a Black family in the White House, I suffered no such delusions.
And nor did Alan Keyes.
During the 2004 senate run which pitted a Harvard PhD against a Harvard JD, Keyes pointed out that Barack Obama wasn’t descended from West African slaves and didn’t know nor understood what it meant to be Black in America.
At the time, those comments seemed incredibly harsh, but over the years, the Republican has been vindicated.
Given the degree to which folks had become exasperated and exhausted by the Bush years, Obama’s candidacy, first against the established and profoundly corrupt Clinton machine, was a breath of fresh air.
By the time the global financial crises hit in September 2008, everyone knew that John McCain stood no chance against the freshman senator from Chicago, whose oratory…