Why Is Medium Letting Other Writing Platforms Profit From Our Hard work?

Adebayo Adeniran
4 min readApr 5, 2023

While gaslighting us into thinking that our work isn’t as qualitative?

Look at the External referrals section. Screenshot from my laptop

Internal views are down.

And earnings are down too.

The veterans of this space are complaining about their numbers quite vociferously and I am one of them too.

At times like these, you make the decision to fight or take flight.

Unlike a number of folks here, I made the decision to stay and fight, while taking the necessary steps to reinvent or pivot successfully.

But I have noticed something rather strange too.

Medium, under Tony Stubblebine and Ev Williams, allows our stories to be hosted on other platforms such as smartnews.com and flipboard.com with readers of those spaces taking full advantage of our creativity.

Smartnews.com is a Japanese owned Silicon Valley based organization which has its own partner program for its internal readers.

Smartnews Partner Program Page

And flipboard.com is also a prolific site which hosts articles from a number of players.



Adebayo Adeniran

A lifelong bibliophile, who seeks to unleash his energy on as many subjects as possible