Why The Latest Coup In West Africa Is a Huge Win For Russia In Its Proxy War With The West

Adebayo Adeniran
4 min readJul 27, 2023

And leaves France, a three-time loser…

Areas redlined — the Sahel — are under the control of the Wagner group. Image via Twitter

Another day and yet another coup in Africa.

This time it is the Niger Republic.

Not to be confused with its populous southern neighbour — the Federal Republic of Nigeria — Niger is one of eleven former French colonies in West Africa.

To those who have some knowledge of history, they will have read about the French colonialism in Africa and its unique creation of the currency — CFA Francs —which has kept most of these supposedly independent states in economic bondage till this very day.

France’s policy of meddling in the internal affairs of its former territories has led to perpetual economic and political instability.

With the exception of Senegal, nearly every French speaking in West Africa has had military coups since the 1960s.

So what has this got to do with Russia, I hear you ask?


With Africa being the battleground between the west and Russia, it feels like deja vu all over again.

To provide a bit of history lesson to all would be readers of this piece, back when America was obsessed with Soviet Russia and was…



Adebayo Adeniran

A lifelong bibliophile, who seeks to unleash his energy on as many subjects as possible